Mailing Address:
Ron Carpenter Ministries
PO Box 26569
Greenville, SC  29616

To place an order or donation 24/7 please call

One Time Donation

If you wish to give to a particular fund, please choose the Partner Donation tab. The One Time donation will go to Ron Carpenter Ministries general fund.


If you prefer to Text to Give: 


(For example: To send $150 text RCM 150)

The very first time you use text-to-give you will receive a text message with a link to a registration form. Just click the link and fill out the form with your bank card information and you will be all set. Text-to-give is safe, secure and easy to use. Make sure to add the Ron Carpenter Ministries text-to-give number 864-920-1282 to your contact list for quick access each time you want to give.


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